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The Goodbye Huey is here... (2)

The Goodbye Huey is here...

With a competent TEAM from the International Helicopter Training Centre, it was possible to escort the Goodbye Huey without any problems to its 8 siblings in the training collection of the Army Air Corps and its other 41 conspecifics, in the Helicopter Museum to their final landing place.

We are very pleased to be able to present this helicopter at our museum and hope for many visitors so that we are able to continue to maintain this SUPER museum.

Bringing in with a 20 t crane. The construction of a ramp was carried out with a team from THW Bückeburg, THANK YOU!IMG 8661

Last stand
IMG 8665 

The competent insertion team led by Captain Vladimir Soloviev.... THANK YOU!

IMG 8666

Bericht von SHG-aktuell


Bericht Letzter Flug der Goodbye Huey

Spektakulärer Einzug ins Museum

IMG 8671 2




Hubschrauber­zentrum e.V.


Kerstin und Dieter Bals
Geschäftsführung / Museumsleitung

Sablé-Platz 6
31675 Bückeburg

Hubschrauberzentrum e. V.
IBAN: DE31 2555 1480 0320 2300 06

+49 (0) 5722 5533
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