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After the Bundeswehr was founded in 1955, the Army Air Corps was also established.
The parent organization, the Army Aviation Weapons School, was established in Niedermendig in 1959, relocated to Bückeburg in 1960 and changed its name to the International Helicopter Training Centre (IHTC) in June 2015.

The 1st Helicopter Forum was held as early as 1961 and was already very successful at the time.

Program and participants
to the 2nd Helicopter Forum in 1961:

Every year, military personnel, interested companies and their leading personalities such as Prof. Dr. Henrich Focke or Igor Sikorsky came to Bückeburg to share/learn something new and to exchange ideas.

Until 1966, the helicopter forums were held annually in the officers' quarters and in helicopter hangar 2,
and from 1968 onwards in the large town hall in Bückeburg.

Hubschrauberforum 1978 JD Hubschrauberforum mit 650 Teilnehmern eröffnet 12.05.1978 LZ

From 1980, the sponsoring association of the helicopter museum, the "Hubschrauberzentrum e.V.", took over the organization and implementation of the helicopter forum.

From 2003, the Hubschrauberzentrum e.V. rented the Bückeburg training hall from the Bundeswehr, initially with a small indoor industrial exhibition and from 2009 with a 600m² exhibition tent in front of the staff building.

In 2019, we were also visited by our guest of honor: "Mr. Sergei Sikorsky"
Forum2019 mit S.Sikorsky

2017 07 05 Herr Sikorsky mit Frau und Kerstin








Hubschrauber­zentrum e.V.


Kerstin und Dieter Bals
Geschäftsführung / Museumsleitung

Sablé-Platz 6
31675 Bückeburg

Hubschrauberzentrum e. V.
IBAN: DE31 2555 1480 0320 2300 06

+49 (0) 5722 5533
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Täglich von 10 bis 17 Uhr geöffnet.

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Kinder bis 6 Jahre frei;
Jugendliche von 6 bis 16 Jahre: 5 € 
Erwachsene: 11 € 
Gruppenrabatt über 15 Personen: 1 € p.P.

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Kinder/Jugendliche: 30 € pro Gruppe *
* Ab der 16. Person zusätzlich 2 € p.P

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